The global drama of Corona Virus has entered its final episodes, but despite the fact that the drama has flopped badly, its scriptwriters, producers and actors have to achieve and continue to achieve their great business goals. Even if it means using force, intimidation or transactions,

The Americans have filed a petition in the White House against Bill Gates, calling for an investigation into the basis on which the Bill Gates Foundation rehearsed for the spread of the coronavirus several weeks before the outbreak. The petition described Bill Gates as a cruel, ruthless and untrustworthy man, acknowledging that Bill Gates had on several occasions stated that vaccines accounted for 10 to 15 percent of the world's depopulation. Bill Gates, with the help of two UN subsidiaries, including the WHO, secretly vaccinated Kenya and millions of children were sterilized, depending on how the situation will be introduced to the vaccine as possible of Corona,

A few days before the petition was filed, a large number of Americans protested, chanting slogans against Bill Gates and demanding his arrest against the charge of spreading Corona Virus.

Last week, two doctors in the United States showed great courage and made horrific revelations at a press conference, but their press conference was immediately removed from YouTube and stopped from being broadcast on controlled media, but now doctors support it. Strong lobbies of doctors have been mobilized to try to bring the true  facts and get awareness to the world, how Doctors was instructed to exaggerate the epidemic and to terrorize the people. Doctors have ruled out the death of the coronavirus, saying it is a common flu virus with a fear factor in some of the deaths.

At the same time, a Japanese scientist released his research report and revealed that the coronavirus is not a naturally occurring disease or an epidemic, but a man-made and spread epidemic.

After these facts have come to light, many things have come to light, the most important of which is that the world powers, under the New World Order, have indiscriminately used ammunition and killed millions of people. Failed to change the geography and borders of countries that could not be eradicated by massacre, failed to replace old states and states with new ones, and failed to realize the dream of a Greater Israel. Now these goals have created the worst economic crisis. Achieved, but only time will tell how much the world powers will use in their new and ruthless tactics. Percentage is successful, at the moment this drama of theirs seems to flop due to premature eruption, among other horrible reasons, there is a nefarious plan to reduce the world's population by 15%, which will be revealed in the above lines. To complete this project, millions of children in a poor country like Kenya are already targeted.


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